How to register on website .
Kindly go to home page of website then click login/signup , incase you are a talent and want to register your self then click TALENT LOGIN , there you can see NEED A ACOUNT ,CLICK HERE ,kindly create the acount from there. Incase you are a talent search company /productionhouse/ad agency /event company /brand then please fill up contact us form and we will get back to you and will create the acount for you.
Is there any commision charges after work or registration fee ?
Ans . We do not charge any kind of commission or general registration fee.
Not able to create a new account/profile with my earlier registered mobile no.
Whenever a user registers on this website with his/her contact details then he/she cannot use the same contact details to create a new account. As there is a OTP code for every contact number.
Not able to upload the pictures, is there any specific format for the same.
The images should be below 5MB and you can use any format to upload pic on the website. Even after that if the images does not get upload you can try to upload the pictures after 15min or mail us at & .
Not able to upload the video, can you suggest how I can upload the same.
You can upload a 10 mb video direct on the websitencase video is bigger then 10 mb then kindly check some websites which decrease video size and even you can upload the video through YouTube. First upload the video on YouTube and then you can copy the link and save it on the website.
If I am creating my account how will the Agency or the Production house come to know about it?
If the production houses/ad agencies/talents search companies audition criteria matches the with your profile then agency and the production house will get the details about the users and contact them regarding the same.
Can you please suggest shouldI I keep my account private or public.
The accounts created on this website will have options of keeping it private and public . If you choose private option then production houses or other talent search companies cannot see the mobile no ,they can see only email id and in case of public option production houses or other talent search companies can see your mobile no and email id both and can contact you faster.
Can you please let me know how will I receive the message about the audition?
If the criteria match with the user profile, the user will receive the audition on their prifile page event section and also in related audition section.
Will I be able to see others account in case to know how/ what all things can be uploaded?
No user will be able to see the profile of the other user so the user has to follow the details mentions on the website.
Will I came to know which all Agency and Production House is tied up with this website?
This website has already mentioned all Agency and the Production house details on the website so the user can check with it accordingly.
Not able to contact, is there any other way to get in contact?
User can share their queries on the mentioned Email id.
Can we apply for more things other than pictures and videos?
No, a user cannot upload others things expect their personal details, pictures and Videos.
Will I be able to like or share others pictures or videos.
No as this is not a Social Media Site user won’t be able to see, like or share the pictures and videos. Only registered production houses /agencies/brands/event companies can see your profile and can contact you directly.
Not able to reach the website through my phone.
This website works best in chrome browser and soon a app will be available to access from phone in a easier way.
Not able to reset the password.
kindly write a mail to us or mention your querry in contact us option .
Not able to receive OTP on provided phone number.
There can be an issue in the network so please try to fill the details again and wait for the OTP.
Why only Production House or the Agency can see my account/ profile?
As we don’t want any details of the user to get misuse by other users, so only Agency and production house will be able to see the profile if it matches their criteria.
How many users can login into the same email id or profile?
Only a single user can use his profile. If the user share his/her email id or any other details the website won’t be responsible for the any misuse of the information.
How will this website promote an artist?
Please check ABOUT US option on website.
Is the website for all the age group?
This website is for all the age group.
It is possible to create multiple accounts/profile of the same user.
No user can create a multiple account or profile of his/her.
Will I able to access this account if the user is in the different city?
Yes, this website can be operated from any city across the globe.
Can we have an account/profile on this website for the baby who is less than 6months old?
Yes this website is also for the a new born baby to all age group incase of minor parent /guardian name to be mentioned .